Book: Making apps for the iPhone

I am currently reading a great book I found on called “Apps maken voor de iPhone” by developer Koen Pijnenburg. It’s in Dutch and explains all the basics for developing iPhone apps. Since the iPad has the same operating system the basics are the same for both devices.

The book expects that the reader already has a couple of years of programming experience in an object oriented language. I bought it because I read in a review that it explains Objective-C very well and since I didn’t know the language yet and it is required for developing on iOS that would come in handy…

Proloquo2Go: iPad gives voice

Today I was given a link to a really great existing application for autistic people or others with a speaking disability like some people with the Down syndrome. It is called Proloquo2Go which is latin for speak out loud. Proloquo2Go is an application for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. In this movie you can see what it really does:

Here you can also find a nice interview about it by ABC news on YouTube (embedding was disabled) which explains the use some more.

Website application:

Hello world!

Welcome to my new blog, this blog will be completely in function of my thesis named “Learning 2.0 with special needs”.

This thesis is about how web 2.0 applications and hardware devices like the iPad can change the way we teach and learn things. More specifically we will study this in the special education. For example is the iPad more productive for a person with a mental disorder than pen and paper?

Updates coming soon!