New storyboard & Meeting

After three really busy weeks packed with deadlines I was able to finish my new storyboard which shows you part 1 of my thesis. A Facebook application for people with a disability. The first two pages of the storyboard are for the parent or guardian of the person with a disability to set what he or she is able to do.

The third page shows how the standard application will look like if everything is enabled and if it is for a person of “level 1” who can read and understand perfectly but has problems with knowing who to trust or not, what is good online behavior and not,… So the parent will be able to restrict the possibilities of facebook. In that way the parent or guardian does not have to worry about those things anymore. So as you can see most of the things are standard things you can do on facebook but with a slightly different interface but the power of the application will be in the ability to block (changed but more on this later) certain features in the application.

For the people with a disability who have problems with reading but are able to understand (almost) everything there will be like planned in the original application text-to-speech options. The idea is that there will be a speaker like icon where the person can tap on and then select the words or buttons that he/she does not understand and those will then be spoken aloud.

The last category will be the people with a disability who have problems with understanding the words. For them I will try to convert statuses etc. to pictograms but for this I still need more information.

Like already mentioned, there is already a small change to the storyboard for setting the permissions. Now this is an ON-OFF button but my coordinator José pointed out that blocking instead of hiding a certain feature could cause frustration for the person with a disability. He/she might start wondering why he/she is not able to do that and others are,… For that reason it might be better to give the options ON | Hide | Block. So hide will really hide that feature in the app so the person with the disability will not see it exists. Block on the other hand will allow the person to see everything and for example allow to type a new status but when it really wants to commit the action then a prompt will show to type in the parent/guardian password.

Any suggestions and/or comments are much appreciated!


Here are the storyboards like I announced in the previous post. They sketch the most important functionalities but not all of them because some things are relatively straightforward and depend on the possibilities of iOS or simply because I’m not entirely sure yet on how to show it like for example the visualization of the social profile of the students with disabilities. The majority of the app does not depend on how this is done so this will be kept for a future step.

Suggestions are still highly appreciated!

Use cases

To get an idea of the different interactions possible with the application I made a storyboard and some use cases. I’m still busy with making the storyboard a little bit clearer but the use cases are ready so here they are. Adjustments are of course still possible so if you have any remarks or suggestions don’t hesitate to put them in the comments. They will be greatly appreciated!

1. Use case of the teacher with the teacher app:

2. Use case of the student with the student’s app:

3. Use case of the parents with the student’s app: